Friday, April 20, 2012

Time For a Transition!

James and I want to thank you for your support over the last few years as we have engaged in God’s mission through the PAOC in Slovakia. 
However, we do need to let you know about some news about our mission work here. In mid 2012 we will be resigning from the work here and moving to the UK.
For the past number months, James and I have felt God releasing us from ministry here in Slovakia.  As we prayerfully considered this, we did receive confirmation from other Godly men and women, that yes, God indeed was moving us on.  It took us quite some time to come to terms with this, as Slovakia has been our home.  For me, Christina, this has been especially hard, as I have spent the past 7 years here, investing my life into those around me. I have many dear and close friends, as I have been building enduring relationships that should last a lifetime.  We feel that the Lord would have us in England for this next season, but we feel that this is only the next step, not the final destination.  We want to be obedient to the Spirit of the Lord and to follow Him, even into the unknown.  As Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase”. 
God has already been so faithful to us in opening doors. James went to the UK in the beginning of Feb to find work and within three weeks of landing, he started a new job there. With rising unemployment in England, the job market is currently rather grim, so this by itself was no small miracle.  I, on the other hand, am still in Slovakia with Joseph, as we go through the process of selling our house, which is another miracle – the second couple to view our house wants to buy, after only being on the market a couple months!  I am also waiting on my residency visa to the UK, which could take another couple of months.
Until my visa is processed, it is hard to say when we will be making the move, but my last day with the PAOC will be May 30, 2012. I have decided to resign and to step down from formal ministry.  As we are expecting our second child, I really feel the need to focus on my family, especially our children, in this short period of time when they are young. We will still be active in ministry, for that is who we are and what we are called to do by Christ as believers.  We also want to continue supporting the church in Šaľa financially as well, and we plan to come back to visit, encourage and celebrate breakthroughs multiple times a year.

We do want you to know that your support has not been in vain and we want to celebrate with you God’s goodness in the following areas.
Over the last 7 years, together:
·      We have planted two churches and seen them come to health
·      We have seen many people come to the Lord
·      We have encouraged and discipled a number of leaders, many who are still in ministry today
·      We have seen dozens of youth in Šaľa take the next step in faith and engage in mission in their city.
·      We have touched the hearts of many and have made an impact in the lives of those in Nove Zamky, Nitra and Šaľa.

On a practical note, we would ask for you to support us as we complete our time in missions so that we can end well, and not with the deficit that we are currently carrying.   Our support end date is August 30, 2012, though if you are able to support us until year end in order to ensure that our deficit is cared
for, that would be great.

We do hope that you will consider transferring your support to other
PAOC global workers.  If you would like to do that, and are wondering whom you could support, please contact Darcy McAlister at
Thank you again for all the years of prayer, love and financial support that you have offered us over the years.  We hold you very dear to our hearts, and hope that we can continue this journey together as God leads us in a new direction.
May God richly bless you.

In Christ,
James, Christina,
Joseph and Baby Clapham


  1. Dobrý večer,
    ja som Vaša sociálna pracovníčka UPSVR Šaľa, vyplácam Vám prídavok na dieťa a rodičovský príspevok.Ak už nie ste na Slovensku tieto peniaze Vám už nepatria. Od 15.5.2012 nie ste na Slovensku zdravotne poistená.
    Prosím ohláste sa na telefonne číslo
    +421312447555 alebo na

    Ďakujem Cvalingová

  2. Interesting blog, but the color of the print and background makes it harder to read for older people. I am 72.
