Thursday, November 6, 2008


OK... I know you have all been waiting in deep suspense about what is happening over here. So, I shall keep you waiting no longer!

About the church, we are still at the VBC Business Centre, Miro was able to procure a massive space heater, which will serve us well for now anyway. But, this is still just a Band-aid over a much bigger issue. They have still decided not to allow us to stay beyond December, so... keep praying!

In other news, I am moving! I have a new apartment, 2.5 rooms, 85m2, newly renovated, close to the centre of town and .... for a little less money! Woo! I just signed the contract this morning.I take possession on the 14th of Nov, but I prob won't actually move until the 21st/22nd - I have my current apartment until 3. Dec. So I can take my time with moving... here are some pics of the new place that the realtor sent me.

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