Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The dreams we dream

This was the theme of our first club this semester, which happened yesterday! We had a full house which was great, and I think everyone had fun!

We watched a couple inspiring videos about a couple young people who had dreams, who worked against adversity, and who saw their dreams come true.

We talked about the dreams we have, what is preventing from dreaming BIG dreams, why people give up on their dreams and even the point behind dreaming at all.

Liz talked about how she had a dream to open a music school, and about how hard she worked in order to achieve her dream. Then, just as things we starting to really go well, she was asked to give up this one dream in order to achieve an even bigger dream. But the fulfilling of her bigger dream meant closing her school and going into a new area of her life that was less certain and required a lot more faith in God in order to stick with it.

Then we talked about whether or not our dreams were worth fighting for, at what cost. Also, if they would be willing to sacrifice their dreams for someone or something, and of course, what happens when our dreams don't come true.

Here are some pics from the event:

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